Sunday, 3 May 2015

Why I gave up £60,000 job in New York to sell ice-creams on a Caribbean island

A high-flying writer has explained why she gave up her £60,000 job in New York to sell ice creams in the Caribbean.
Noelle Hancock, who earned a whopping $95,000 as a journalist in the big apple, made life-changing move after feeling overwhelmed and isolated.

But inspired by a holiday to St John - the smallest of the US Virgin Islands - the 35-year-old opted to live the beach life.
Writing for Cosmopolitan, she said: “New York is a competitive city; you have to spend most of your time working to afford to live there.
"And a downside of living among so many ambitious people is they're often over scheduled.
“Sometimes I didn't see my closest friends for months at a time.
"Trying to negotiate a time to meet a friend for drinks was harder than getting into college (and the cocktails about as expensive).

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